Ndbag The Boogeyman Fun Projects
Ndbag The Boogeyman Safety Tips

Some projects involve cutting and gluing of parts. Proper safety precautions should be taken at all times. Scissors and/or knives are generally sharp and pointy. Make sure to use them properly to avoid injuries. It is probably a good idea to use safety scissors. Projects have to be supervised by parents, adults or older siblings, who are qualified to keep an eye on things and can help out, if necessary.

Use non-toxic glue, if possible. If the glue is accidentally ingested or comes into contact with the eyes, open scratches/wounds etc. please follow the safety instructions of the manufacturer of the glue.

Some projects involve small objects (such as coins, for example). Please do not swallow them. It is dangerous and they generally do not taste very good anyway.

Always be careful and sensible when working on projects to avoid injury.

If you are uncertain on how to do something, ask your parents or an adult for help. Please don’t experiment.

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Ndbag The Boogeyman Safety Tips